History KROLL Fahrzeugbau- Umwelttechnik GmbH
Foundation of. GABLER & Co. in Wesel on the Lower Rhine by Mr Gabler and Nitz on the premises of Messrs. Pohl & Löll (today MCW) as a service workshop of the company. KUKA (Keller and Knappich, Augsburg) for garbage trucks and suction pressure -Tankfahrzeuge.
Foundation stone laid for today's premises at the Rudolf-Diesel-Straße in Wesel.
The first vacuum-operated tanker from its own production.
Inauguration of the newly constructed administrative building.
Construction of a larger and more modern production hall.
The first rotating drum garbage truck leaves the factory.
The first combined suction trucks for water recovery leaves the factory - WRS. 1
The Fa. Gabler GmbH & Co. KG brings under his own name a refuse truck. This was possible because the contract had expired with Messrs. Keller & Knappich which dictated the vehicles from Gabler & Co. alone across the industry leader Keller & Knappich Augsburg distribute.
Development of a new garbage truck, in which up to 80% has been reduced by a new drive system and a fully enclosed trash receptacle of noise compared to previous models.
The first dustbins washing car is produced.
Takeover of insolvent Gabler & Co. by the company. KROLL GmbH of Hamburg / Reinbek. The KROLL GmbH of Hamburg Reinbek was founded in 1946 as Bruno Kroll & Co. OHG. Renaming of the company. Gabler in KROLL Fahrzeugbau GmbH.
The first tunnel washing cars for Autobahnmasterei Hamburg is delivered.
Cessation of production of garbage trucks.
Acquisition of KROLL Wesel by ROTHENBERGER AG of Kelkheim.
Acquisition of the former GDR-Kombinat VEB Sepzialfahrzeugwerke in East Berlin - now SFW Specialized Vehicles-Umwelttechnik GmbH, the largest manufacturer of refuse trucks in the former GDR - later KROLL Berlin and mainly specializing in the production of sweepers.
Acquisition of the company. DISAB in Sweden, a special vehicle manufacturer, for stationary and mobile air handling systems.
Sale of shares in DISAB.
Acquisition of 100% shares in HELLMERS GmbH Fahrzeugbau in Wittstock.
KROLL Fahrzeugbau-Umwelttechnik GmbH acquires with effect from 01.05.2007 the operations of "Kutschke Fahrzeugbau GmbH" in Hünxe, of "his GmbH" in Hünxe and "Kutschke aur GmbH" in Landsberg
KROLL Fahrzeugbau-Umwelttechnik GmbH in conjunction with the HELLMERS GmbH Automotive is the market and innovation leader in Germany in its field (wet waste and sewer cleaning vehicles and equipment).
Moving the KROLL Fahrzeugbau-Umwelttechnik GmbH into the newly created work in Hünxe most modern production facility for wet vehicle technology in Europe.